Realstone has a top-notch track record of experience and vast toolbox that translates an ability to assist current real estate investors maximize their income from their current investments. Realstone has been brought in to consult with a variety of clients from large mom-and-pop real estate owner/operators to national private real estate funds or lenders. The outcomes and results Realstone provided for these groups speak for themselves.

Realstone’s Senior Team Members provide Consulting & Advisory services for select clients on a case-by-case basis.

Some of these assignments include:

·        Ad Valorem Property Tax Valuation and Appeals

·        Property Operations Assessment and Recommendations/Implementations

·        Turnaround Asset Management

·        Multifamily Recapitalizations/Financing

·        Mortgage Note/Loan Sales

·        Receiverships

·        Software & Accounting Advice

·        Budget & Operating Expenses Analysis/Advice

·        Broker Opinions of Value

·        Local Advisors for Out-of-State Management Teams

·        Lease Up Advice

·        Development Feasibility

·        Intermediary for Working with Local/Municipal Governments

·        Cost Segregation Assistance

·        Disposition Strategies

Our Senior Team Members hold some of the commercial real estate industry’s most prestigious designations such as CCIM’s (Certified Commercial Investment Members), CPM’s (Certified Property Managers), AHM’s (Affordable Housing Manager), and C3P’s (Certified Credit Compliance Professionals). Our experience and results have been proven throughout the varied extremes of real estate market cycles.

Our completed assignments have been extremely successful in creating tangible, bottom-line results for clients in a timely manner. We tell you what you need to hear rather than what we think you want to hear. We don’t take on assignments where we aren’t confident that we can be effective, and we exceed expectations in the assignments that we do accept. In many of these cases, the additional dollars we create for clients well exceed the cost of Realstone’s fee (especially our Property Tax Appeal work).

Use our Contact Us page if you have an assignment that you that you would like to discuss with Realstone.


Realstone nor its employees, officers, or agents provide legal or tax advice. While Realstone may provide property valuation advice, it does not offer property appraisals such as Licensed or Certified Appraisers can provide.